Philippe Crist
Philippe Crist is Advisor for Innovation and Foresight at the International Transport Forum (ITF) at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He coordinates the research of the ITF’s Corporate Partnership Board and manages international research projects for the ITF’s 59 Member countries. His current work focuses on disruptive urban mobility scenarios and examines how car-based and active mobility, public transport and taxis must adapt to these. He is also leading work on Data science and public policy within the ITF investigating new strategies to leverage knowledge derived from new and rapidly growing data sources to improve transport decision-making. In 2016 he won the Danish Cycling Embassy's Leadership Award for Cycling Promotion. His other work currently looks at managing mobility in rapidly growing urban areas, assessing GHG emission strategies in the transport sector, as well as investigating national transport asset and network management strategies. He also does much of his best thinking on a bicycle.