Ramon Cruz
International Policy Program Director
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
Ramón Cruz has nearly 20 years of experience intersecting the fields of sustainability, transportation, urban planning, environmental policy and climate change. In the past he was Senior Policy Analyst at the Living Cities Program of the Environmental Defense Fund, Vice President for Energy and Environment at the Partnership for New York City and most recently Vice President of the Environmental Quality Board (environmental regulatory agency) in Puerto Rico. He has been a consultant for the World Bank, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Since 2009, he has worked for ITDP’s Global Policy Program in different processes in the United Nations: UNFCCC, Post-2015 agenda, Commission on Sustainable Development, the Rio+20 process, Habitat III and the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport. Ramón has a B.A. in International Relations from American University in Washington D.C., and Masters in Public Policy and in Urban and Regional Planning from Princeton University in New Jersey.