Mary Crass
Mary Crass is Head of Institutional Relations and Summit for the Paris-based International Transport Forum, an intergovernmental organisation linked to the OECD. She is responsible for the ITF’s relations with Member countries, international organisations and associations, and the annual International Transport Forum Summit in Leipzig each May https://www.itf-oecd.org/. She has contributed to the organisation’s work on sustainable urban travel, accessible transport and social inclusion, and crime and terrorism issues in transport. She served as sherpa to the ITF Secretary General on the United Nations Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Urban Transport, and was on the drafting committee for the final report of that group delivered to UN Secretary General in October 2016.
She recently chaired the International Road Transport Association’s (IRU) Future of the Taxi Reflection Group and is currently co-chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Accessible Transportation Committee - subcommittee on Policy and Practice.
Prior to joining the OECD, Ms. Crass worked as a private consultant focusing on transport and environment issues for among others the UN Environment Programme, the European Commission and OECD, as well as private enterprise. She was previously with a U.S.-based environmental consulting firm specialising in environmental technical assistance work in developing countries and emerging economies.
Ms. Crass has a Masters Degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) with specialisations in international economics and energy and environment policy and a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin.