21 May
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Transport Connectivity for Regional Integration
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- location_on Off-site
- lock_open Restricted participation
Pre-Summit Research Day
Transport Connectivity for Regional IntegrationTT
The International Transport Forum (ITF), together with European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the US Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), are pleased to announce the holding of a Research Day on “Transport Connectivity for Regional Integration”. This Research Day will be held in Leipzig, Germany on Tuesday 21 May 2019, in conjunction with the International Transport Forum’s 2019 Annual Summit (22- 24 May 2019).
Public Transport: Promoting Connectivity in a Changing Environment
8th International Public Transport Forum
Public Transport: Promoting Connectivity in a Changing EnvironmentPP
Organised by Akkon Hochschule, Leipzig/Halle Airport and Volga-Dnepr Group
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- location_on Off-site
Innovation, Effectiveness and Efficiency in Humanitarian Air Cargo
Organised by Akkon Hochschule, Leipzig/Halle Airport and Volga-Dnepr Group OO
Akkon Hochschule, Leipzig/Halle Airport and Volga-Dnepr Group are pleased to invite you to an exciting and dedicated full-day workshop focusing on the needs of the International Humanitarian and Disaster Response Community.
<22 May
Organised by Sustainable Mobility for All
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Organised by the Transport Research Board
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TRB International Cooperation Committee Mid-Year Meeting
Organised by the Transport Research BoardOO
Organised by the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
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ITF MaaS-terclass
ITF in Focus Session
Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Success factors for integrated mobility solutions?
ITF MaaS-terclassII
Mobility as a service (MaaS) provides transport users with the freedom to travel the way they desire by offering choices and enhancing connectivity. But to maximise its benefits there needs to be a well-planned and collaborative approach.
What are examples of effective regulatory, commercial, governance and technology models that are required for MaaS to deliver better connectivity for local and regional transport?
TMf<<View detailsProsperity through connectivity: Tourism and regional sustainable development
With tourism expected to grow in both developed and emerging economies:
- How can improved transport connectivity enable tourism development at local and regional levels?
- What are examples of connectivity projects that have spurred tourism, job creation and sustainable regional development?
Towards safe, efficient and sustainable road freight transport – infrastructure and vehicle fleet perspective
ITF in Focus SessionII
Road freight transport is forecast to continue to grow substantially in most countries. The anticipated increase in infrastructure capacity will not, on its own, be sufficient to accommodate projected traffic levels at socially acceptable cost. Approaches that relate to both, the vehicle fleet and the infrastructure are needed. Using high capacity vehicles (HCVs) is one of the most efficient measures to absorb some of this growth and to reduce CO2 emissions. In hand with this come new policies for extending the life of road assets.
Organised by the European Commission
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Organised by Volkswagen Sustainability Council
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Commuter Mobility – Collaboration for New Intermodal Solutions
Organised by Volkswagen Sustainability CouncilOO
Today, commuting is a major challenge for cities, companies, and their employees. It is becoming increasingly severe due to human settlement and mobility patterns, congestion, absence of sufficient public transport, driving bans in cities and many other factors. Only a joint effort of affected cities, mobility solution providers, companies, science, and the commuters itself can solve this problem. To balance these heterogeneous interests, it requires a broad dialogue addressing the following question: How can the involved parties cooperate to develop new sustainable and intermodal mobility solutions for commuting?
Organised by TUMI
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Ministers' Roundtable - closed session with restricted participation
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Fishbowl session
Organised by the IRF, BSEC and CHTS
Connecting vehicles and infrastructure
Vehicle-to-vehicle communications and vehicle-to-infrastructure technologies, as well as alternative technological solutions (i.e. long range communication), are transforming motor vehicle transport by making road systems safer and more efficient within and across regions.
- What infrastructure will be needed for connected and automated vehicles of the future?
- How can related data be shared in a controlled and secure manner?
- What is the role of international cooperation, including international standardisation?
Transport and climate: moving forward from COP24
Ministers' Roundtable - closed session with restricted participationMM
The 24th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Katowice, Poland delivered the Katowice Rulebook, implementing the Paris Agreement. This important moment marks the beginning of a process where countries need to start stepping up actions for climate protection and to define a clear policy pathway, especially for transport, where it remains one of the most challenging sectors to decarbonise.
<Women's travel and participation in regional transport systems
Fishbowl sessionFF
Women use public transport in different ways than men because of their often more complex activity base and travel patterns. How can transport systems be designed to better consider women's travel patterns?
- How can enhanced transport connectivity provide better access for women to jobs and opportunities, thereby contributing to economic growth?
The Belt & Road: Delivering Sustainable Transport for EurAsia
Organised by the IRF, BSEC and CHTSOO
Launched in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to alter the socio-economic landscape along the Silk Road linking Asia and Europe. The first phase of these multi-billion dollar infrastructure investments focuses on developing and modernising means of transport covering highways, railways, ports, airports and pipelines.
Organised by the World Economic Forum and Germany
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Networking lunch session jointly hosted by ITF, TUMI Women Mobilize Women, UITP and the World Bank
- Lunchtime Session
Leading the change towards greater diversity in transport
Networking lunch session jointly hosted by ITF, TUMI Women Mobilize Women, UITP and the World BankNN
ITF in Focus session
- Lunchtime Session
Organised by DEKRA
Decarbonising Transport: Towards a catalogue of effective measures
ITF in Focus sessionII
The ITF’s Decarbonising Transport initiative is a global, data-driven, multi-stakeholder initiative of over 70 key stakeholders to support the transition to carbon neutral transport. It is the ITF’s major contribution to better understanding of how to ensure a low-carbon future for transport.
This initiative aims to build capacity to help close the gaps between climate commitments and carbon dioxide (CO2) reductions that mitigation actions will deliver on their strategic objectives by providing the best possible assessment of the impact of given mitigation policies.
Safety for Vulnerable Road Users – New challenges of modern Mobility
Organised by DEKRAOO
Organised by TUMI
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Opening remarks by the 2019 ITF Presidency Korea
Connecting global regions for sustainable economic growth
Opening remarks by the 2019 ITF Presidency KoreaOO
Around the globe, between countries, from city to city, or to the other side of town, good transport infrastructure and efficient mobility services bring people together and goods to their markets. The connectivity that transport provides widens horizons and opens up opportunities. It builds stronger communities and expands their reach. It strengthens our economies and helps our societies to prosper.
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Decarbonising Transport (DT) project in Emerging Economies
The Decarbonising Transport in Emerging Economies (DTEE) project aims to help national governments and other stakeholders to identify transport measures and establish pathways to reduce transport CO2 emissions and meet their climate goals and NDCs.
<Ministers’ Roundtable - closed session with restricted participation
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Organised by Alstom and Toyota Group
Organised by UNESCAP and ADB
Organised by Switzerland and Germany
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- location_on Off-site
Governance of new mobility
Ministers’ Roundtable - closed session with restricted participationMM
Unprecedented innovation in passenger mobility transport services over the last decade has drastically changed around the world. Traditional centralised transport service provision, based around collective public transport services and taxis has been supplemented or replaced by new forms of services based on cheap and widely available telecommunications that provide decentralised and more personalised services to clients.
<Ensuring regional air connectivity
- What is the role of governments in support of regional air connectivity?
- What are the costs and benefits of government intervention in the market for regional air connectivity?
- What policies supporting domestic air connectivity are proving cost-effective?
- How can aviation stakeholders work together and leverage new technologies to improve efficiency, security, and travellers’ experiences?
Supply chain connectivity in a changing global economy
Transport connectivity is essential for the emergence and expansion of global value chains.
- How are changes in the global distribution of economic activity affecting trade flows? What do these changes mean for international transport and logistics and supply chains? What are the implications for the environment?
- How do these changes manifest themselves in different regions? What are specific regional solutions?
- How can new opportunities for data generation and sharing shape the transformation of logistics chains (e.g. maritime sector, multimodal transport, etc.)?
Hydrogen for zero-emission mobility
Organised by Alstom and Toyota GroupOO
With the expected increase of world population to 9,7 billion inhabitants by 2050, out of which 70% are projected to live in urban areas, the issues of raising mobility needs, and their related impacts require urgent transformations. Today transport generates around 25% of worldwide CO2 emissions, therefore decarbonizing transport is becoming more and more a central part of national low carbon strategies.
Integrated Transport Networks in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond
Organised by UNESCAP and ADBOO
The event will focus on the issue of transport connectivity in Asia and the Pacific, presenting the regional approach to connectivity and assessing the progress reached in the identification and operation of the regional transport network.
<Rhine Alp and the North Sea - Mediterranean Ministers' meeting
Organised by Switzerland and GermanyOO
View detailsUpon invitation of the German and Korean Ministers
- location_on Off-site
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23 May
Organised by Sustainable Mobility for All
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Closed Ministerial session
- lock_open Restricted participation
Organised by the World Bank
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- location_on Off-site
ITF Transport Outlook
ITF in Focus sessionII
This session will feature highlights of the ITF Transport Outlook, which provides an overview of recent trends and near-term prospects for the transport sector at a global level, as well as long-term prospects for transport demand to 2050, for freight and passenger transport and CO2 emissions.
Innovation for a more connected world
Transport Innovation TalksTT
This session will feature a number of inspiring presentations from leading thinkers to showcase examples of recent transport innovations. The transport and mobility sector is a hotbed of opportunity for innovative companies. This session will showcase innovative companies, notably startups that are shaking up the sector: With rapid technological advances and unprecedented levels of investment startups are playing an ever-more important role in shaping transport and mobility.
Corridors financial sustainability: options and approaches
Organised by the World BankOO
The objective is to discuss the financial and fiscal sustainability of the road sector, in particular in the context of corridor development and regional integration, looking in particular at the extension of the TEN-T network to the Western Balkans and to the Eastern Partnership countries.
<Open Ministerial session followed by the Ministerial Family Photo
Improving global connectivity: Transport, energy and telecommunications networks
Open Ministerial session followed by the Ministerial Family PhotoOO
Connectivity is a 21st century mega-trend that is reshaping the world far beyond the transport sector. Integrating transport planning with other policy areas is challenging. Yet transport is becoming more and more interdependent with electricity infrastructure as it decarbonises. The rise of connected vehicles and infrastructure increasingly intertwine it with telecommunications. And an integrated approach for transport, housing and commercial development is becoming critical to reduce congestion, improve access and foster sustainability. With regard to funding transport infrastructure, road transport in particular has much to learn from the energy and telecommunications sectors, which have advanced much further in managing demand by charging users.
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- Lunchtime Session
- Lunchtime Session
Organised by Inter-American Development Bank
Organised by the Global Fuel Economy Initiative
- how_to_reg Booking required
- location_on Off-site
Resilient connectivity: Minimising the impact of network disruptions
Ensuring adaptation and resilience of transport networks remains high on the policy agenda across ITF member countries, especially in the wake of natural (such as climate change related), political and economic events.
- What are effective strategies for increasing resilience and improving network reliability?
- How can built-in redundancy, enhanced management capacity and preparedness contribute to more resilient transport networks? How can international cooperation and contingency planning for resilience enable this?
The session may feature a diverse set of case studies, such as of Euro-Asia supply chains.
Maximising regional value through maritime connectivity investment
- Do maritime subsidies enhance regional growth, well-being and land-side connectivity? If so, in what ways?
- How can foreign investment in maritime assets create positive local spillover effects?
- What is the impact on ports and related policies?
Connectivity for Development: The Mesoamerican Experience
Organised by Inter-American Development BankOO
The geographic position and the interoceanic regional infrastructure of Mesoamerican countries are relevant to the regional and global trade outlook. At a national level, improving transportation connectivity and logistics performance has been recognized as a means towards better competitiveness and economic development, therefore, the region has made great efforts to increase the coverage, quality and connectivity of its transportation infrastructure through the implementation of programs and policies in transport and freight logistic sector in the last decades.
<Launch of Global Fuel Economy Initiative 2.0
Organised by the Global Fuel Economy InitiativeOO
Since its launch in 2009, the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) has been supporting countries to implement policies to improve vehicle efficiency, and tracking progress globally. However, global progress is still not on track, and so as GFEI moves into its second decade, we are re-doubling our efforts with the aim of accelerating the uptake of clean and efficient vehicles ahead of 2030. GFEI partners will use this event to share those plans.
<Organised by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of Germany
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Fostering connectivity across borders
- How have Transport Ministers’ previous recommendations on overcoming border crossing obstacles been implemented? What are the key remaining issues and policy challenges?
- How can public funding priorities be aligned across borders?
- How can investment risks be minimised and integrated in contractual frameworks given uncertainty about the scale and scope of future transport demand? Do governments need to invest more in the capacity to process security, immigration/visas, customs and transport permits at land borders? How can these costs be offset?
Ministers’ Roundtable - closed session with restricted participation
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Fishbowl session
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Organised by The Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure
Organised by UNECE, IRF, IRU, PIARC
Financing infrastructure connectivity
Ministers’ Roundtable - closed session with restricted participationMM
Financing transport infrastructure remains a key challenge for authorities. Increasingly many governments seek private sources of finance to realise their infrastructure needs. “Financing” infrastructure, is about who borrows the money for the project, whereas “funding” is about who repays what was borrowed. There can be no financing without funding. Calling on users of the infrastructure or taxpayers to pay more, however, is often politically challenging. Hence how to spend available money more efficiently remains a major question and the context in which private finance should be considered.
<Connecting regions through rail
- How can rail systems connect regions over short and medium distances across borders, within a country and at the urban level?
- When is high-speed rail the right option? What are effective investment strategies to ensure that high-speed rail is well integrated with other transport systems (i.e. local rail, metro systems), as well as across regions and borders?
- Rail vs. air travel: what are the advantages and drawbacks (e.g. environmental and economic impacts of competition)?
Ensuring access for remote and rural communities
Fishbowl sessionFF
- How can transport policy makers and planners better consider the needs of rural and low-density populations to access employment, services and social amenities?
- What are the costs of social exclusion due to spatial isolation? How willing is our society to pay for social inclusion of rural areas?
- How are emerging technologies and new mobility services presenting new opportunities for low-cost delivery of public services in rural or low-density areas?
Drafting guidelines for global road safety up to 2030 – in preparation for the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety
Organised by The Swedish Ministry of InfrastructureOO
Last year the UN General Assembly designated Sweden as the host of the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. The conference, February 19-20 in Stockholm 2020, marks the end of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020. The aim is to reach a global consensus on guidelines for road safety up to 2030 and help make roads safe around the world. It will also be the place to discuss the path, ambition and strategies ahead. Sweden is looking for an inclusive process.
Sustainable road transport connectivity across borders
Roads are the oldest and most popularly used mode of transport since they are directly connecting goods, people and services door-to-door or being the “first and last mile” for other modes of transport such as maritime, air and railways.
An efficient road transport network directly contributes to sustainable transport connectivity and regional integration. Efficiency lies on lower transportation costs, integration of rural economies, generation of savings in travel time and trade through cross-border facilitation and sustainable road infrastructure development.
<Hosted by the International Transport Forum and ViaVan
Cultural Performance organized by Saxony
The Cosmic Artists Airtrack Show
Cultural Performance organized by SaxonyCC
View details24 May
ITF in Focus session
ITF in Focus session
Organised by International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association and International Motorcycling Federation
Looking towards the 2020 Summit: Transport innovation for sustainable development
ITF in Focus sessionII
This networking session will focus on possible themes for the 2020 Summit on Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development.
Improving access in cities: Findings from Europe and Latin America
ITF in Focus sessionII
The session will feature the findings of the EU-ITF-OECD joint project that aims at developing a set of accessibility indicators and a benchmarking tool for European cities. This tool is now being extended to Latin American cities.
This session will feature examples of good practice in cities that offer easy access to services by public transport, cycling, walking or by car.
<Global Maritime Logistics Dialogue
Maritime logistics is essential for trade: obstacles in the maritime logistics chain have immediate repercussions on trade. The maritime logistics chain consists of many different actors with different roles that are highly interdependent. This means that the performance of the individual actors is to an important extent determined by the behaviour of other actors. There are currently no comprehensive performance indicators for the maritime logistics chain. What exist are indicators on logistics in general and on parts of the maritime logistics chain. As a result, there is a lack of visibility on the performance of maritime logistics chain: performance information is fragmented and often not publicly available. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to have evidence-based dialogue on bottlenecks. A win-win approach is possible if better performance information on the maritime logistics chain would be available.
Global Approach for Safer Motorcycling
Organised by International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association and International Motorcycling FederationOO
The Side Event will exchange best practices, identify needs for global and regional policy action and deliver recommendations for consideration at the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety on 19–20 February 2020 in Stockholm ‘Achieving Global Goals’.
<Organised by the World Economic Forum
- lock_open Restricted participation
Global New Mobility Coalition 5th meeting
Organised by the World Economic ForumOO
Global New Mobility Coalition 5th meeting: SEAM Governance - from frameworks to pilots
Connecting places and people: Which policies for better integration of cities and urban regions?
- What are examples of effective integrated transport planning for large metropolitan regions and mega-cities?
- How can better spatial and physical accessibility contribute to social and economic inclusion?
- How has door-to-door connectivity for people with reduced mobility improved? What challenges remain?
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- location_on Off-site